Wednesday 28 December 2016

The 3 Things You Should Always Carry

The 3 Big Little Things You Should Always Carry

In today's world, before anyone walks out the door, they always ensure they have their wallet, keys and cellphone.  They are the modern Big 3 of items you always have with you.  You can't function in today's society without them.

But there is another Big 3 you should always carry.  They will put the odds in your favour and ensure you surviving anything the world, mother nature, or life throws at you.  They are as follows:

1. A pocket knife with some basic tools on it;
2. A small flash light; and
3. A small lighter.

Doesn't sound like much.  All three can easily be carried in your pocket or purse.  But these 3 simple items will increase your chances of coming home from any emergency by 80%.

Why?  The answer is just as simple as the items.

The Pocket Knife:  I'm talking about something like a basic Swiss army knife with a knife blade, a screw driver, scissors, awl, etc.  Nothing too fancy or more importantly, too big. The goal is to have something very handy, with basic tools you'd use every day. But easily carry in your pocket.  The key here is that you should find it handy for daily use!

If you find it as handy as your cell phone, you're going to want to carry it.  And if you want to carry it, you'll have it with you when you really need it.

The Flash Light:  you want this as small and bright as possible.  If it can fit on your key chain, or clip to you pocket knife, all the better.  The light colour doesn't matter, so goes a clear as you can. The goal is to have something that will light up the dark spaces for you and allow you to be seen! 

Like the pocket knife you should find it handy for daily use.  Simple tasks like lighting up the door lock when you come home at night.  Looking inside your purse, etc.  You need to use this regularly.  And if you use it regularly, you'll remember to carry it.

And if it's always on you, you'll have it when you need it.

The Lighter:  Of the three items, this is one item you'll have to force yourself to carry. That's because it's increasingly becoming the least handy item in our everyday world. (Unless you smoke).  That being said, it's prefect for getting rid of loose threats on your clothing. Then there is always an office birthday cake with candles that need lighting.  And that BBQ won't light itself. 

The important thing is you find practical daily uses for it and ensure you carry it.

So why did I make such a big deal about these 3 little items?  Why are they so important?  That's easy! 

You will find all three items on anyone's top 10 survival items.  (And can you really think of any scenario were you couldn't use any two of these items to help with your rescue?)

They are also very small and can be easily carried.

Finally, each one has practical daily applications that can help rereinforce why you're carrying it.

You can argue about using your cell phone's light instead of carrying a small pen light, but do you really want to waste the battery on that?  You should be saving it for that all important phone call for help.  You can also argue that fixed blade is better than a folding blade, but how long can you carry that around the office before HR wants to talk to you? 

Keep them small, easy to fit in your pockets or purse, and find uses daily uses for them.  If you do that, you'll develop a habit of carrying them just like you do with your wallet, cellphone, and keys.  And when the unexpected happens, you'll have them!

Please got to my YouTube Channel to see a follow up video I did on this subject at

Be safe, and remember your army training! It will never let you down!